NASEO Industrial Working Groups Forum: Industrial Heat Electrification and Storage

August 28, 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 PM ET
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

Industrial heating, which now often relies on onsite fuel combustion, is a major challenge to decarbonizing industrial processes. Hear from two leading companies advancing industrial heat decarbonization. Arun Gupta, CEO of Skyven Technologies, will discuss his firm’s approaches and technologies, including industrial steam-generating heat pumps. Caroline Jo, Vice President of Project Finance and Government Affairs at Rondo Energy will present on the Rondo Heat Battery – an electrically charged thermal battery that can provide 24/7 industrial heat and can support load management and grid reliability. The speakers will also discuss new energy- and heat-as-a-service business models and financing approaches. The Forum will include time for state updates and exchange. This forum is open only to states and territories, including State and Territory Energy Offices, economic development bodies, and technical assistance providers. Please contact with questions.