On Monday October 17, the Northeast-Midwest Coalition, with support from NASCSP and NASEO, hosted a briefing to discuss how state governments and their private sector partners are implementing energy programs that save money and energy while creating jobs and helping low and fixed income Americans. Malcolm Woolf, Director of the Maryland Energy Administration and NASEO Executive Director, David Terry, joined NASCSP and state officials from Maine and Ohio to discuss how the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and the State Energy Program (SEP) impact job creation, energy bill reduction, and enhanced energy security.
On Tuesday, October 18, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hosted a DOE/EERE Industrial Technology Program (ITP) briefing. Presenters included Dr. Christodoulou, Industrial Technologies Program Manager, EERE/DOE; Raymond W. Monroe, Executive Vice President, Steel Founders Society of America; and David Terry, Executive Director for both NASEO and the Association of State Energy Research & Technology Transfer Institutions (ASERTTI). The Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee staff requested the briefing to better understand the future plans for the program as well as hear from two key stakeholders, Mr. Monroe and Mr. Terry, who discussed the value of the program from a private sector and a state perspective. Mr. Terry’s presentation focused on four key themes: the need for a greater sense of shared vision and purpose among industry, state, and federal partners; the value in balancing moving today’s energy efficiency technologies and processes into the industrial sector with advancing tomorrow’s manufacturing technologies and processes; retaining already developed talent and resources; and the importance of a collaborative partnership approach among companies, states, and DOE.